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The Spanish Federation of Associations of Equipment Manufacturers for the Hospitality and Related Industries (FELAC) is a non-profit organization that represents the Spanish equipment industry for hospitality and catering, being recognized by the General Secretariat of Foreign Trade as a Collaborator entity of the Administration.

The federation currently consists of six business associations and more than 130 companies, which belong to one or more of these sector associations.


  • Foster union, dialogue and collaboration among manufacturers in the sector.
  • As a representative of the sector, act as interlocutor in defense of the interests of the companies linked to Felac and the sector in general.
  • Collaborate with the Public Administrations and other entities in all that can positively have an impact on the companies within the federation.
  • Extensively promote the products manufactured by the companies within Felac and its brands.
  • Promote the internationalization and competitiveness of the sector.
  • In short, promote any initiative expressed by our companies that benefits the federation.



As a representative of the sector, Felac is responsible for collecting up-to-date information from manufacturers in the sector for the production of statistical information on the profile, size, internationalization and annual evolution thereof.


Derivation to the companies within Felac of product requests received in the federation from potential buyers and institutions.


FELAC organizes and promotes seminars and other meetings for the benefit of companies in the sector, with the aim of keeping them abreast of novelties and/or trends regarding regulations, legislation, or any other topics considered interesting, and also for presenting new services or collaboration agreements with suppliers.


· Manufacturers’ Catalog

Felac publishes every two years, coinciding with the Hostelco trade show, a directory with information of the associated companies, including for each one of them complete contact information as well as a photo of the products and icons indicating the subsectors in which they are included by the types of product manufactured. In addition, companies can include a short description in Spanish and English about their area of activity or outstanding products.

· Corporate website

The website of the federation aims to be a useful tool both for companies integrated in our organization, where they can advertise their products, find information of their interest in the private area and keep updated of the news of the sector, as well as for visitors, whether distributors, potential customers or public administrations and, in general, anyone who wants to find information about the products for the hotel industry and catering, contact information of the main manufacturers, statistics, news or links to other entities of interest.

· FELAC INNOVA – Newsletter

FELAC INNOVA has been the official magazine of the Spanish Federation of Associations of Equipment Manufacturers for the Hospitality and Related Industries from 2004 to 2015.
It was created to serve as a dissemination medium of the federation, its associations and companies integrated in this organization, as well as to foster the knowledge of the Spanish equipment Industry for hospitality.
After a journey of 11 years in paper format, this publication becomes a newsletter in 2016, with the same philosophy as its predecessor.

· International Promotion

Organization of promotional activities abroad through AFEHC, an association that coordinates, together with ICEX Spain Trade and Investment, the Sector Plan for the External Promotion of Equipment for the Hospitality Industry, which includes group participations in trade shows and trade missions. (See activities)

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