Fritecsur was founded in 1997 in the Sevillian town of Castilblanco de los Arroyos, manufacturing furniture and cold chambers for the hotel industry in the surrounding area. Almost eleven years after its creation, due to broadening its horizons and natural evolution, the company moved to new premises to triple its production capacity. This growth has equally been applied to the technologies used for manufacturing the equipment and is the result of a large investment in the latest generation of machinery, such as folding machines automatically controlled from the plant’s offices by an advanced computing system, high precision plate cutters and high pressure injection machines providing a perfect finish for the panelled chambers; there is even a painting chamber for manufacturing equipment with a wood finishing.
From their large product catalogue for the hotel industry, it is worth mentioning on top of the wide range of products, the versatility in the construction of chambers and wooden furniture, that can be adapted to the client’s needs in terms of size, colour, finishing, etc. DESCRIPTION OF THE CHAMBERS: The chambers are made of white lacquered plate sandwich panels which are assembled with a bridle-joint system and elliptical fixation hooks; the freezing chambers’ doors are always equipped with a resistance.
DESCRIPTION OF THE WOODEN FURNITURE: These articles are always made of the highest quality hard wood. The inside is made of non-corrosive stainless steel, plastic coated adjustable shelves,temperature control via thermostat, automatic defrosting. Different colours are available.
Furthermore, the company manufactures special furniture for coffee machines, shelves, cutlery holders, etc., with the same characteristics as the products presented above. The company’s distinguishing feature is its capacity to adapt its products to all sizes to obtain the perfect and most homogeneous finish.
armarios frigoríficos
bajomostrador refrigerado
botelleros frigoríficos
cold rooms
contramostrador refrigerado
estanterías inoxidables
kitchen accessories
mesas de cocina
mesas frigoríficas preparación pizzas
mesas refrigeradas para pastelería
muebles cafeteros
vitrinas frigoríficas