Gremi Boters, 31 Pol. Son Castelló
Palma De Mallorca
Fax: 34 971 43 11 27
Metalurgicas Torrens has been operating on the market since 1921 and a new generation of the Torrens family recently entered the firm, now that Guillermo Torrens has handed over the control of the company to his two sons José and Javier Torrens. Without overlooking the Spanish and regional markets and while continuing with the company’s two main areas of activity, namely construction and the hospitality and catering industry, the Torrens brothers are making progress on the foreign market, mainly in the tourism industry. They have now created installations in Central America and Cape Verde, and also have an office in Mexico to provide after-sales service.
armarios calientes
barras de bar
campanas de recogida de humos
carros calientes con humidificador
carros de servicio
carros para cestas
carros portabandejas
carros portaplatos
drains, stainless steel
estanterías inoxidables
expositor de tapas, caliente
expositores de tapas, neutro
fan boxes
filtros para grasas
instalaciones de bar llaves en mano
kitchen installations, turnkey
mesas calientes
mesas de cocina
mesas de polietileno
mobiliario para cocina
pantallas de infrarrojos
restaurant installations, turnkey
vitrinas frigoríficas